

Recent projects
’No things’ solo exhibition at LOKALE, Copenhagen
’Vildveje - Off Road’ solo exhibitions and book, Birthe Laursen Art Agency, Copenhagen
Souvenir: Pseudo News, Billboard 2020, Istanbul, Turkey
Love is in the Air, Nordich Contemporary Atr Center in Xiamen, China
All in All, solo exhibition, Banja Rathnov Gallery, Copenhagen
Dark Garden, solo exhibition, Byens Kro, Copenhagen
Aspects of Landscapes, SAK Museum, Svendborg, Dk
Europathy – Europa Felix, KunstCenter Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg, Dk
Street Photography, Øsknehallen, Copenhagen
Mirror Mirror, REM Art Space, Istanbul, Turkey
Postcard from Utopia, solo exhibition, Museumsbygningen, Copenhagen
Been There Seen That, Gallery Pirpa, Copenhagen

See CV


Jeanette Land Schou graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, where she studied under the Danish photographer Per Bak Jensen.

 JLS commenced in video art in the 1980s and has been on a long journey towards the core of her photographic work. The sense of presence in the landscape, nature, the city and its outskirts makes her work attentive and open for investigation. Whether JLS works in locally in Copenhagen or abroad in new territories, she discovers and reveals structures, shapes and colors that make her imagery unique.

The Danish sculptor Willy Ørskov has influenced her way of thinking about photography and analyzed the surroundings as a vague terrain. Ørskov explains 'Terrain-vague' as the opposite of the impressive and proud buildings in the center of the city. In these areas, JLS started the search for interesting motifs, motifs that hold a depth of lived life, worn and torn and full of expression.

JLS also recognizes influences from artists outside the tradition of photography. The bushes as a motif show a shattered defocused surface, as you can find it in a Jackson Pollock painting. The surreal and dreamlike feel could be inspired by Giorgio de Chirico. Like other artists JLS examines everyday objects as multi-layered metaphors.

JLS has traveled extensively and with great interest photographed the different cultures she has visited. Recently, due to the coronary restrictions, JLS has limited her work to the streets of Copenhagen and found new ways to portray her hometown.

Apart from the range of landscapes and city portraits, JLS works in the genre of still lifes. Photographing composite images of plants and a variety of objects. The photo book "Memento" from 2013 presents such a series of photographs of objects found in and around the home in her childhood. Other studio works in this genre are the series "Souvenir" and "Spotted Still Lifes".
JLS is represented in Banja Rathnov Gallery

Jeanette Land Schou is a member of the Society of Artists and The Royal Academy Council of Fine Arts.